张健    副研究员





2020.01-至今 清华大学 航空发动机研究院,副研究员

2020.09-2020.11 瑞典梅拉达伦大学,能源系,访问学者

2010.12-2019.12 中国科学院力学研究所,非线性力学国家重点实验室,副研究员

2011.01-2012.10 美国密歇根大学,工学院,博士后

2007.07-2010.12 中国科学院力学研究所,非线性力学国家重点实验室,助理研究员




    主要从事航空发动机内湍流燃烧过程研究。包括点/熄火的燃烧动力学过程、熄火稳定性等方面;完成了非预混燃烧、部分预混燃烧、MILD燃烧、射流火焰、钝体火焰、火焰的强制点火、火焰的自着火等复杂物理过程的高保真模拟。在Proceedings of the Combustion InstituteJournal of Computational PhysicsFlow Turbulence and CombustionScience China-Phys., Mech. & Astro等权威期刊上发表多篇论文;主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、中央军委装备预研基金项目1项、国家重点实验室专项经费研究项目,中国科学院-财政部修购专项等;以课题骨干身份参加国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)1项;入选国家留学基金委国际清洁能源拔尖创新人才培养项目




Invited PC member for the 11th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (2016)


中国科学院力学研究所优秀青年奖 (2009)


Rolls-Royce 奖学金(2000

Honeywell 奖学金(1999


Member of American Physical Society;

Member of International Combustion Institute;

Member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics;

Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineering

Member of the Technical Review Committee for the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion;

Member of the Technical Review Committee for GPPS 2017 & 2019

Member of the Technical Review Committee for ASME Power & Energy Conference 2019


1. Q. Lan, J. Zhang*, Y. Liu, Forced ignition of bluff-body flame in nitrogen diluting coflow. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (25th ICTAM), Milano, Italy, 2021

2. J. Zhang, L. Wang*Y. Guo, Filtered turbulent flamelet model in large eddy simulation of the Sydney non-premixed bluff-body flame. Sci. Chi.-Phys., Mech. & Astro, 2020

3. J. Ju, Z. Jin*, H. Zhang, Z. Yang, J. Zhang. The impact and freezing processes of a water droplet on different cold spherical surfaces. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 96430-440.

4. T. Yang, J. Zhang*, Effects of the air-fuel velocity ratio for non-premixed bluff-body flames, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Power and Energy Conference, Power Energy 2017, June 25-30, 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

5. 张健*, 刘柽钰,杨涛,基于过程变量-火焰面模型的湍流燃烧大涡模拟, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 20174707007

6. 杨涛,张健*,吕金明,晋国栋,钝体射流火焰及其点火过程的大涡模拟,力学学报,2016 48:1290-1300.

7. J. Chen, G. Jin*, J. Zhang, Large eddy simulation of orientation and rotation of ellipsoidal particles in isotropic turbulent flow, Journal of Turbulence, 17:308-326, 2016

8. J. Chen, G. Jin*, J. Zhang, Lagrangian statistics in isotropic turbulent flows with deterministic and stochastic forcing schemes, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 31: 25-31, 2015

9. J. Zhang*, F. Gao, G. Jin and G. He, Conditionally statistical description of turbulent scalar mixing at subgrid-scale, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 93: 125-140, 2014

10. L. Wang*, N. Chakraborty, J. Zhang, Streamline segment analysis of turbulent premixed flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34: 1401-1409, 2013

11. G. Jin, Y. Wang, J. Zhang and G. He*, Turbulent clustering of point particles and finite-size particle in isotropic turbulent flows, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52: 11294-11301, 2013

12. M. Ihme*, J. Zhang, G. He and B. B. Dally, Large-eddy simulation of a jet-in-hot-coflow burner operating in the oxygen-diluted combustion regime, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 89: 449-464, 2012

13. M. Ihme*, L. Shunn, J. Zhang, Regularization of reaction progress variable for application to flamelet- based combustion models, Journal of Computational Physics, 231: 7715-7721, 2012

14. 张健*, 张星,姚华栋, 条件滤波大涡模拟方程封闭模型检验, 工程热物理学报,32: 357-359, 2011

15. J. Zhang, G. He*, G. Jin, An implicit relation between temperature and reaction rate in the SLFM, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 1: 012003, 2011

16. J. Zhang, G. Jin, G. He*, Effects of the scalar dissipation rate on the steady laminar flamelet model, Physica Scripta, 142: 014048, 2010

17. G. Jin, J. Zhang, G. He* and L. Wang, Assessment of large-eddy simulation in capturing preferential concentration of heavy particles in isotropic turbulent flows, Physica Scripta, 142: 014061, 2010

18. G. Jin, G. He*, L. Wang, and J. Zhang, Subgrid scale fluid velocity time scales seen by inertial particles in large-eddy simulation of particle-laden turbulence, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 36: 432-437, 2010

19. J. Zhang, G. He, L. Lu, Subgrid-scale contributions to Lagrangian time correlations in isotropic turbulence, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 25: 45-49, 2009

20. 张健,何国威*,陆利蓬,王银春,大涡模拟中的条件滤波耗散和扩散的统计特性,力学学报, 38: 433-437, 2006

21. 张健*,陆利蓬,刘恩洲,SPH方法在溃坝流动模拟中的应用, 自然科学进展,16: 1326-1330, 2006